xlab Showcase 2024 - Well-tangled ー混淆と調和 -


Kanon Aoyama +Takafumi Morita +Yasuaki Kakehi

Liquebitsis an installation composed of a group of liquid droplets flowing quietly through soft tubes. By alternatively moving colored and transparent liquids, it creates diverse color expressions throughout the tubes. Utilizing the electrohydrodynamics (EHD) phenomenon enables the quiet liquid manipulation with minimum mechanical components. Through this method which excels in quietness, flexibility and portability, we explore the technology and artistic expression for liquid interfaces that have various expressions and can seamlessly integrate into daily life.


  • 研究開発:青山佳音、森田崇文、江子淵、桑島悠、細矢直基、前田真吾、筧康明
  • 撮影協力:開元宏樹