xlab Showcase 2024 - Well-tangled ー混淆と調和 -

Efficiency of Mutualism

Dorita Takido +Yasuaki Kakehi

In this work, multiple power generation mechanisms are used in combination: fuel cells that use microorganisms which coexist with plants, algae fuel cells that use photosynthesis, and fuel cells that use the electrolysis of water. We attempt to promote the plant’s growth through electrical stimulation by returning the weak electricity generated by each fuel cell to the plant. In addition, the viewer can intervene and participate in this system by manually generating electricity. This work presents an opportunity to reconsider the ideal form of circulation, as well as the relationship between the electricity used as a tool by humans and nature.


  • 協力: 伊藤里織、香川 舞衣、佐々木有美、佐倉 玲、高橋 宙照、林みき、水野恒雄、吉田知史、株式会社ニソール