東京大学大学院 筧康明研究室 成果発表会

xlab Showcase 2024Well-tangled

2024.3.9 (Sat) - 11 (Mon)


3.9 - 11 展覧会 ※予約不要

3.10 研究発表会・トークイベント 詳細情報・参加登録はこちらから


The annual research presentation, titled "xlab Showcase 2024 Well-tangled," led by Professor Yasuaki Kakehi at the University of Tokyo, will take place from March 9 (Saturday) to March 11 (Monday) at the Information Studies Open Studio (Nakayama Future Factory), UTokyo Hongo Campus. The event will feature a three-day exhibition and a one-day-only poster presentation on March 10, with a panel discussion with special guests.
The theme of the showcase, "Well-tangled," explores the process of intricately intertwining diverse elements (tangled) to generate a harmonious outcome. Through research in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) and fabrication technologies, our goal is to introduce novelties and perspectives by considering the interplay between humanity and technology, merging the realms of nature and digital, and facilitating interaction between material and immaterial elements. This theme extends beyond a human-centered perspective, attuning to the inner voice of material and unpredictable elements, in the pursuit of discovering a balanced state where different entities coexist.
The exhibition will feature a wide range of media and materials, including, but not limited to sensors, displays, textiles, paintings, plants, fluids, and furniture. These works blur the boundaries between the digital and physical worlds, giving tangible form to the concept of "Well-tangled" and offering viewers unexpected experiences and profound insights. Through these prototypes, artworks, and discussions, we aspire to cultivate a vibrant space for the exchange of ideas and discussions on future technology, emerging design, and new media art.


2024.3.9 (Sat) - 11 (Mon)  12:00-20:00 (JST)

From March 9 (Sat) to March 11st (Mon), we will be exhibiting our work at the Open Studio, the University of Tokyo iii. Please note that you will not be able to view the exhibition hall during the talk event (3/10 16:00-17:30). the University of Tokyo iii. No reservation required.


2024.3.10 (Sun)  13:00 - 17:30 (JST)

Research presentations by students and a talk event will be held on on Sunday, March 10, 13:00 - 17:30 at the Faculty of Engineering Bldg.2 the University of Tokyo iii. The event is in-person only. Please note that the exhibition hall will be closed during the talk event (3/10 16:00-17:30). The talk event will be in Japanese. For more information about the event, please visit Peatix and register for the event.

Part1: Research Presentation



Part2: Talk Event


久保明教(一橋大学社会学研究科 教授)
筧 康明(東京大学大学院情報学環 教授)