xlab Showcase 2023 - Ways of Uninventing

Tinkering with Linecraft

Kazzmasa Tsujimura + Taisuke Nakano +Yahui Lyu +Yasuaki Kakehi

This project compiles the results of our study on how we have implemented Linecraft, a shape-changing module composed of convex tape, into the everyday lives of people and the observations of how its usages were conceived. Linecraft was brought into everyday spaces and as the user's unique context and Linecraft's unique materiality intertwined through tinkering, which could also be considered as the user’s physical grappling, various patterns of potential usage had become apparent. This exhibition presents these results, which could be described as a collection of sociomaterial by-products.


  • 辻村 和正,中野 太輔,筧 康明, 日本デザイン学会 デザイン学研究作品集, 27, 1, 98-103, 2022