東京大学 大学院情報学環 筧康明研究室

xlab Showcase 2022Interverse of Things

2022年 2月10(木)-16日(水) オンライン展示

2022年 2月12日(土) オンライン研究発表会・トークイベント

Interverse of Things

This online exhibition features our research and works produced in 2021 during the activities of Yasuaki Kakehi Laboratory (xlab).
The development of information technology has made it possible for humans to handle many objects as computable and controllable resources. As of this year 2022, when this exhibition is being held, the information environment consisting of computers is becoming more connected to the world beyond the boundaries of real and virtual, and its concept is evolving into proposals such as the metaverse. On the other hand, various problems in the physical environment that surrounds us, including the long-lasting pandemic and climate change, still remain, and the limits of human-centered design and the need for a shift to pluriversal design have been pointed out.
In the future, the design of technology will be required to play an even greater role as a lens to recognize and anticipate the existence of many things and phenomena that we have not been aware of, and as an interface to create inclusive relationships with events that cannot (or should not) be easily controlled. Rather than dismissing uncontrollable things as noise or coincidence, we have been exploring the possibility of building "adequate" relationships and technologies "with margins" to create new values by acknowledging the unknown and different things that surround us, and making use of the characteristics of things that behave under their own mechanisms and characteristics.
From dialogue with seaweed, to co-creation with slime mold, to games without screens, to textiles that respond to the environment, how will the research and artworks exhibited at our showcase create relationships with things and show us the overlap of each world (interverse)?


2022 2.12 (sat) 13:00-18:00(JST)

We will hold an online talk event using Zoom on Saturday, February 12, from 1:00 pm. This event will be held in three parts: 1) Introduction of this year's research/projects, 2) Talk session with guests, and 3) Interactive research presentation session by lab members. For more information about the event, please visit Peatix and register for the event.

Part1: Selected Talk



Part2: Guest Talk


森田 敦郎(大阪大学大学院人間科学研究科 教授)
筧 康明(東京大学大学院情報学環 准教授)
齋藤 帆奈(東京大学大学院学際情報学府 博士課程)
和田 夏実(東京大学大学院学際情報学府 博士課程)

Part3: Interactive Session

